Kona was born March Seventh, 2011 and we adopted Kona as a ten week old Golden Retriever puppy, she was a small ball of fur, very playful. It probably took us another week to decide on her name. She was a great puppy. Loved to play and got along great with our two Dachshunds. In many ways she was a typical puppy, she played hard and slept hard. She was a breeze to potty train. Similar to many other Goldens, Kona loves people and other animals, and everyone she met loved her.
Kona grew quickly and with her first winter was approaching, she was about six months old. She experienced her first Snow in October, and fell in love with the cold white fluffy stuff. Any chance she gets now, she plays in the snow. It was just a few months later, in February, that my husband and I got to take Kona to the Dog park in evergreen. We just had a large snowfall and couldn’t wait to see how Kona would take such a large amount snow. She had a Blast! By the end of the day we had a very tired eleven month old golden retriever.
As Kona was about a year old and I was interested in Agility. I started to look into shows and local clubs. I found the Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club and started to attend some events, first one being in Greeley, Colorado. My husband and I joined the club and were members for two years, only leaving the club because we had decided at that point not to show Kona. We always enjoyed going to shows and the annual Picnic.
I learned a lot about showing in general and specifically about Agility. I bought a Tunnel for our back yard and did start working with Kona on this and basic commands. Kona seemed to enjoy playing with the tunnel, but I didn’t have any other equipment nor the money to get any. This combined with Work and other demands on our time I did not pursue agility with Kona.
Kona has grown into a great dog, she is extremely friendly and very active. We started the process of breeding her this summer, and have gotten her hips and elbows xrayed and have recieved her OFA certifications for both.